Anti-Wokeism on The Left

Racial Bias Isn’t Just a Problem on The Right

Clare Xanthos, PhD

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Nearly 40 years ago, a study found that half of all racially biased people were left-wing. In other words, being liberal, progressive or a leftist does not make you any less likely to have prejudiced thoughts and feelings or engage in discriminatory behaviors. As disconcerting as these findings may be to some, they are consistent with decades of commentary regarding the behavior of liberals by civil rights leaders and intellectuals (e.g. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, James Baldwin, bell hooks, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Robin DiAngelo). Moreover, there are an abundance of contemporary examples which support the study’s conclusions, including my own experiences.

The “Dirtbag Left”

Over the last few years, a new breed of anti-Black liberals, progressives and leftists has emerged who are being more direct about their real feelings than has historically been the case with the anti-Black Left. These individuals — known as the “Dirtbag Left” — are openly describing themselves as “anti-woke.” Furthermore, their statements indicate that this is a movement that has already veered towards far-right talking points.

To give a couple of examples, Anna Khachiyan, a key figure in the anti-woke leftist movement, told Spiked that “you should be able to hate and hatred…

Clare Xanthos, PhD
Clare Xanthos, PhD

Written by Clare Xanthos, PhD

RESEARCHER. AUTHOR. WRITER. Interests: racial equity, social justice, cultural identity. Co-Editor: "Social Determinants of Health among African-American Men."

Responses (5)

What are your thoughts?

That doll is so scary... it reminds me of a lefty Quaker-meeting attender who always put on this big-eyed look of innocence.
She was the one who sent me a message by text, saying, 'I know I shouldn't ask you this, but could you sign a form to say…...

I think that means these liberals speak in forked tongue. They can lick both sides of their mouths at the same time. MLK and many others warned us about them. I thank you too for the reminder.

All things considered, I believe that had I been a fellow white in a comparable situation, this former employer would have treated me as another human being, rather than quibbling about...

I feel for you.. this all sounds very familiar to me!